When it comes to buying an engagement ring or fine jewellery, it's important to consider the hardness of the gemstones used. This is because soft and brittle gemstones, such as pearls or emeralds, are more likely to suffer from damage or wear than harder gemstones, such as diamonds or sapphires.
Having an understanding of the MOH's scale of hardness can help you make informed decisions when purchasing jewellery. For instance, if you are looking for a gemstone for everyday wear or an engagement ring, it's recommended to choose a gemstone with a high rating on the MOH's scale of hardness, like a diamond. On the other hand, if you are looking for a delicate or decorative necklace or bracelet that is only worn occasionally, you may opt for a softer gemstone, such as pearl or opal.
The MOH's scale of hardness is a measurement scale that is used to assess the hardness of minerals. The scale was created by Friedrich Mohs in 1812 and is still used today to assess the hardness of gemstones and other minerals that are commonly used in the production of jewellery.
The scale assigns a value between 1 and 10 to minerals based on their relative hardness. The harder a mineral is, the higher it is on the scale. For example, diamonds are the hardest mineral and are rated 10 on the MOH's scale of hardness, while talc is the softest mineral and is rated 1.
In conclusion, understanding the MOH's scale of hardness is crucial when it comes to purchasing fine jewellery. It helps you choose a piece of jewellery that will not only be beautiful and stylish but also durable and long-lasting. So if you're considering buying a piece of jewellery, be sure to keep the MOH's scale of hardness in mind and choose gemstones that are well-suited to your lifestyle and everyday activities.